South Africans take NYC

South Africans take NYC


This photo perfectly sums up how happy I’ve been being able to spend time with some amazing people in the last few weeks.

One of my best friends Robyn arrived last week so we could spend some time in New York City together before she headed to Costa Rica on her adventure. It was so incredible being able to catch up and make awesome memories together after not seeing each other for 6 months. I’ve met lots of people here, but it’s not the same as having a best friend in front of you again.

I worked on the weekend so I could take Wednesday off to spend with Robs in the city. We took a tour of the village and later on got to see Jeremy Loops performing in NYC, which was unbelievable.



Then it was back to Asbury Park straight from the concert. After a long train ride I got home, and had work at 8am. Fun. The only thing that kept me going was knowing I would be back in the city on Friday after work to meet up with Robs, and three other amazing friends from South Africa.

Jaden had been in Boston for a Harvard World Leaders course (I know right). I think his new nickname shall be Harvie. Josh and Jonty were friends from camp that I hadn’t seen in years, but they were staying in Josh’s Aunt’s apartment in Midtown East which was insaaaane, and it was so good to see them again.

Friday was also Josh’s birthday, so we all had pre-drinks at the apartment. It was so good catching up and getting to chill out with fellow South Africans again.

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Long story short we didn’t even end up going out, the birthday boy had a little too much to drink 😛 But it was such a good night just being around these lovely people again ❤

On Saturday we had a delicious brunch and explored Times Square. It rained most of the day, so it was a first for all of us experiencing NYC umbrella traffic. Nevertheless, I would do it all over again as I’m just so glad I got to spend time with everyone.

Saturday night we hung out and played drinking games. I just tried to remember all the rules we made in Cheers to the Governor, but I battled enough remembering them during the game, so that’s not going to happen. I guess that makes a good drinking game though. We had fun 😛

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It was so sad saying goodbye to Robs on Sunday morning, but I’m so so excited for her new adventure in Costa Rica! 🙂

After some yummy bagels and coffee like true New Yorkers, Jaden and I headed off to the MET. The MET is definitely one of my favourite (if not favourite) places in the city. I absolutely love it.

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We were also lucky enough to see the Pride Parade on 5th Avenue which was spectacular. It made me so happy to know everyone in America now has the right to marry who they love 🙂


Overall I had a fantastic time with some amazing people. It makes me happy to know that across the world I have such special people in my life ❤