Train rides are a good time to catch up on blogging.

Train rides are a good time to catch up on blogging.


Life never works out the way you think it will. Yet somehow it all works out.

When I knew that I was coming here and chose to take a gap year to work and travel, I did a speciality coffee barista course so that it would be easier to find a job at first. I met someone who had connections around the states in high-end coffee shops who assured me he could connect me with people around the country.

So I came here thinking I was going to be making speciality coffee around the country this year. But when you have family in New Jersey it changes a lot.

I don’t have a clue how I’d afford to live anywhere and have to pay rent at this point, but I’ll get there. If you told me a year ago that I’d be working as an assistant manager at an independent theater in Asbury Park, have already left a part-time job because it was too overwhelming,  and am now trying to pick up extra work just to get by between paychecks; no ways in hell would I believe you.

Living in America isn’t easy. It’s very expensive. But hopefully it will all be worth it one day ♡

New York City

New York City

Written: 03/ 30

Almost missed the train. The taxi took forever to fetch me so I literally bought a ticket and got straight on the train. Now when my family was here when we took the train to New York Penn Station, we would get off at Long Branch and get on another train to Penn station. But they didn’t say anything on the intercom about that transfer so I just read my book.

Turns out I was meant to get off at Newark and get onto another train to carry on to Penn station. No one told me that. The person who took my ticket must have assumed I was going to Newark Penn Station, not New York. Ugh. So the train stops,  everyone gets off and I’m in Hoboken. Where the hell is Hoboken.

Good thing it was just a couple subway stops from where I would have been getting off anyways. So I had a fantastic walk through the city to meet my cousin, his boyfriend and his friends.

I witnessed a really cool moment of humanity on the train though. This young man had been late and gotten on the train before it left and didn’t have time to buy a ticket. He thought he could buy one on the train but the conductor lady was being a b*tch cos she didn’t have change for him and wanted to throw him off at the next stop.

This other man gave him the cash so he could get a ticket and get a ride to the city. It was something that I saw and straight away thought I needed to blog about it. It was like I needed to see that human kindness

I had an amazing day in the city. I bought myself a Michael Kors watch, something I’d wanted to buy for myself for ages.  I told myself I’d get it as a reward once I’d worked hard for a couple months. It felt good to have reached my goal:) I’m obsessed with it. Every time I look at it I still can’t believe I own something so pretty and it makes me proud that I earned it.

I had my first Burrito. It was delicious.

On the train ride home I had another awesome good karma moment. A woman gave me a bunch of Halls because I was coughing so much. I was probably just annoying the shit out of everyone but I still appreciated the effort 😛

Till next time NYC. ♡


It’s been awhile. I know.

It’s been awhile. I know.

Written: 03/29

I’ve had lots to say. A lot to blog about. Made notes and everything.  But between being sick and work I’ve pretty much just been vegetating at home and never getting around to typing out what I’ve written.

My uncles have gone overseas for two weeks and I miss them already! I’ve been looking after the kids (the five doggies). This means early morning wake up bark wars and going back to sleep until I literally HAVE to get out of bed and get ready for work.

I’ll be woken up between 5am and 7am by one of them breathing heavily right by my face.  But they’re adorable, but I guess getting so much love from five dogs and walking up and down two flights of stairs three times a morning is better than sleeping until 10am.

So it’s been over three months since I’ve been here now. Some random things I can say since the last update blog:

I ate key-lime pie for the first time and my life changed. How have I never eaten it before?

I’m now a taxi regular. It’s cold and I’m sick and lazy okay.

My uncles and I went to the city last Tuesday and it was amazing.  My cousin from Australia who I hadn’t seen since I was like six was there so we went to visit.

We were on the David Letterman show.  Walking around Times Square and hear a lady shouting ‘Who wants free David Letterman tickets?!’. I don’t even watch his show but I will definitely take free tickets to any show in New York nevermind getting to be in a live audience. So that was fantastic.

I definitely have to restart my Kayla Itsines BBG programme. I did it properly for three weeks and then got sick and lazy. So from Monday I will start over.

It’s meant to be Spring here but it’s still pretty flippen cold. I like it though. I am kinda terrified of summer now. After wearing so many layers for winter I don’t think I’ve ever been this pale.  After my trips to Israel in high school I was like a tanned surfer.  Now I look like I’ve been living in a cave for fifteen years.

I miss home. A lot. I miss Rhodes and all the memories. I really miss a lot of special people.  I won’t lie it’s really rough. But I’m taking each day as it comes:)

No one said it would be easy. I still don’t know what I want to do with my life. Besides the fact that I want to do my post-grad, I don’t know what I want.

I want to travel. I want an adventure. I know that for sure.

Life is a journey not a destination. ♢♢♢