Hello South Africa

Hello South Africa

Just over two weeks ago I made my way to JFK for my flight back to SA. 15 hours, 3 movies, some series, a couple chapters of Tina Fey’s “Bossy Pants” and a glass of wine later, I landed in Johannesburg. As I got off the plane I couldn’t help but smile when I thought about how I’d get to see my little siblings soon after around 9 months of being in the states. Seeing them again was unbelievable and even though I’d seen photos of them throughout the year, I couldn’t believe how big they had gotten.

The next day I had my flight home to Durban as I would be back in JHB the following week for my gran’s wedding. I had planned to surprise my sister Rachel for her 18th birthday and her Matric Dance, so I had to be very careful to not mess up the surprise by talking to her when I should have been sleeping (America is 6 hours behind), or snapchat my little siblings by mistake and ruin months of keeping the secret. My mom fetched me from the airport and it was so good being back in Durbs again.

I was back in the land of robots, Rands, left side passenger seats and beggars on the side of the road, which took some getting used to I won’t lie. Looking outside the window on the drive home from the airport made me happy knowing I was home. I appreciated the sugar-cane fields and the beautiful sea views more than I ever have. Driving through Umhlanga, La Lucia and Durban North made me think how crazy it is that you can spend so much time in places and then be away for almost a year, go back and feel like you never left.

I arrived home freaking out I was so excited to surprise my sister. She knew I’d be coming home soon for the wedding, but I told her I wouldn’t be able to come back before her birthday. The surprise was great, she cried so of course I cried too. Being home again was amazing. Seeing my family, my soul-dog and just being able to chill out at home again was just perfect.

In America I was the one with the accent, ‘cool’ nonetheless, but I couldn’t get a sentence out without getting asked where I was from. Now since I’ve been back in SA, every now and then when I talk people say “OMG you sound so American!” I can never win. Dealt with constantly being asked if I was Australian or British, to say things, speak Zulu, the list goes on, and now when I’m back home I apparently sound American. What can you do.

What has taken some getting used to is how I am back to rands and not dollars. Getting an iced coffee for R32 seemed like a lot of money to me until I realized that was around $2. We went to spar and got some groceries and I realized as I got to the till that I couldn’t for the life of me remember my pin for my card here, so I used my Chase card from the states. The groceries came to around R60 and it took something like $3.50 off my card which is bloody crazy. That’s like a grande coffee at Starbucks. That exchange rate though.

Rachel looked so beautiful at her dance and I’m so glad I got to be there for it, as well as her birthday. She grew up too fast, it makes me feel extremely old knowing she is 18 already. But it is very awesome and exciting.

What took getting used to was how we drive on the left side of the road with the driver on the right of the car, the walls around houses and electric fences, the humidity, and the fact that I could chill out and do whatever I wanted to and not have to be at work for 11 hours a day. What did I miss the most? My family of course, then the South African accents, then the Indian food and samp and beans. I miss my friends like crazy but luckily I’ll see them next week when I visit Rhodes again!

Last Thursday we drove up to JHB. We had my gran’s wedding on Sunday which was absolutely beautiful and so so special. All the grand-kids were bridesmaids, flower girls/ boys; so we all got to be a part of the wedding which was amazing. Not many grandchildren get to be at their granny’s wedding, never mind all twelve of us! It was a beautiful wedding, and I’m so happy for my gorgeous gran and Ron.

I’ve been in JHB for a week now and will be here till I leave for Grahamstown which is next Friday. I’ve loved getting to spend time with my Joburg family whom I adore. It’s kinda scary but very exciting to think about being back in good old Gtizzle with everyone again. I’m so happy to get to be with the kids again, and happy I’ll get to see my friends soon too. Speaking of friends, I didn’t realize how I’d come back from the states having really great friends that I miss already. So even though I do miss them and it sucks, I’m glad I have people to miss back in NJ.

Well that was quite a long blog post but I’ve needed to sit down and actually type this out for awhile now, so here it is! I’ll post one with some photos since I’ve been back soon.

❤ X

Weekend away in the city with the Momsy & Vlogging

Weekend away in the city with the Momsy & Vlogging

My mom and I stayed in NYC from Thursday last week till Sunday, and it was amazing. I was inspired by one of my besties Robyn to start vlogging. I thought instead of taking a million photos and only ending up posting a few of them, taking little videos of the weekend adventures and putting them into a vlog would be awesome. She did one for her trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand last year, as well as when she came to visit me in New York City & NJ a couple months ago, and they were incredible!

So I am currently trying to get it all edited together whilst working 11 hours a day during the week, but I’m almost done 🙂 Hopefully I will get it posted sometime this week. I also have no idea how to ‘vlog’ so no judging please 😛 The idea of travel vlogging is fantastic and I hope I get good enough to post some awesome vlogs!

In the mean time, here are a few moments from our weekend in the city:

Natural History Museum
You gotta have HOPE
View from the gym in our hotel – One UN Plaza in Midtown East
Natural History Museum
Untitled waiting for the bus selfie
Starbucks because Starbucks
Brooklyn Bridge-ing
Subway Selfie
Six Life Misconceptions

Six Life Misconceptions

These are 6 things that I’ve personally dealt with/ am dealing with/ have come to the realization of 🙂 ❤ 

1) Life is meant to be fair. 

Who decides what is fair and what isn’t? Something horrible might happen and we think ‘Aahhh life is so unfair’, but who determines that? Two people living in very different circumstances would have different concepts of ‘fairness’. If life was fair for everyone, the world would be boring, predictable, and wouldn’t teach us anything. You will have good days, and bad days. The important thing is to remember that we learn from our experiences; both positive and negative.


2) It gets better.

Everyone has had someone who cares tell them that it will get better. But the truth is it doesn’t. Yes it may give some hope to someone going through a hard time, but the truth is it doesn’t get better; you have to make it better.  If you aren’t trying to make the most of something, or challenge yourself, and you have a negative mindset – nothing will change.


3) That “it will never be okay again”.

It will. Trust me. Some things obviously take longer to deal with, but it will be okay. Sometimes something happens and it feels like you’re going to feel like this forever. I know the feeling.  “In the end everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end” 🙂


4) Assuming that people are doing things deliberately to hurt you.

Yes you do get horrible bitches, but in most cases people have their own lives. Without any communication about how something they do/ are doing is hurting you, they could have absolutely no idea about it. And you’ve wasted your time being upset/ angry about it. Talk about it. If they’re still hurting you intentionally then that’s a different story, and they don’t deserve to have you in their lives. This one is hard to explain, but what I am trying to get at is don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of your happiness; by assuming.

For example, I might not message someone to make plans because I think they don’t want to hang out with me. So firstly I’ve missed out on possibly chilling with someone, I’m assuming they don’t like me, and have gained nothing. Who knows if the girl / guy assumed the same thing, and doesn’t message me either. Maybe she didn’t want to hang out with me in the first place, but you’ve got nothing to lose by finding out. Assumptions don’t get you anywhere.


^ This photo was being so difficult. It doesn’t want to follow the crowd and be in the center.

5) “This will make me happy.”

Happiness isn’t something that is given to us or something we can go get. It’s a struggle sometimes, and all the positive thinking in the world means nothing when you’re at your worst. I’ve been there. But it’s important to be aware during the bad times, that they are the bad times. Life is full of good and bad experiences. There is no point in pretending that it doesn’t suck sometimes; because it does. Society tells us if we do this or buy this or go here, you’ll be happy. Be happy for no reason, that way happiness can’t be taken away from you. Happiness shouldn’t be determined by anyone but yourself, and we have to learn how to value our self-worth regardless of comparisons to other people.


6) Being alone is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Being lonely and being alone are two very different things. I myself have issues with being alone that I can admit to. But that’s why this year has been very significant for me because it has forced me to deal with being alone. It doesn’t mean it’s been easy, or that I’ve even gotten comfortable with being alone yet, but as long as there is progress being made then I’m happy. If you can’t be happy alone, then you can’t be happy with anyone else. Being emotionally independent is so important. Happiness is a state of your mind and heart, so why do we let other people get in the way of it?


South Africans take NYC

South Africans take NYC


This photo perfectly sums up how happy I’ve been being able to spend time with some amazing people in the last few weeks.

One of my best friends Robyn arrived last week so we could spend some time in New York City together before she headed to Costa Rica on her adventure. It was so incredible being able to catch up and make awesome memories together after not seeing each other for 6 months. I’ve met lots of people here, but it’s not the same as having a best friend in front of you again.

I worked on the weekend so I could take Wednesday off to spend with Robs in the city. We took a tour of the village and later on got to see Jeremy Loops performing in NYC, which was unbelievable.



Then it was back to Asbury Park straight from the concert. After a long train ride I got home, and had work at 8am. Fun. The only thing that kept me going was knowing I would be back in the city on Friday after work to meet up with Robs, and three other amazing friends from South Africa.

Jaden had been in Boston for a Harvard World Leaders course (I know right). I think his new nickname shall be Harvie. Josh and Jonty were friends from camp that I hadn’t seen in years, but they were staying in Josh’s Aunt’s apartment in Midtown East which was insaaaane, and it was so good to see them again.

Friday was also Josh’s birthday, so we all had pre-drinks at the apartment. It was so good catching up and getting to chill out with fellow South Africans again.

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Long story short we didn’t even end up going out, the birthday boy had a little too much to drink 😛 But it was such a good night just being around these lovely people again ❤

On Saturday we had a delicious brunch and explored Times Square. It rained most of the day, so it was a first for all of us experiencing NYC umbrella traffic. Nevertheless, I would do it all over again as I’m just so glad I got to spend time with everyone.

Saturday night we hung out and played drinking games. I just tried to remember all the rules we made in Cheers to the Governor, but I battled enough remembering them during the game, so that’s not going to happen. I guess that makes a good drinking game though. We had fun 😛

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It was so sad saying goodbye to Robs on Sunday morning, but I’m so so excited for her new adventure in Costa Rica! 🙂

After some yummy bagels and coffee like true New Yorkers, Jaden and I headed off to the MET. The MET is definitely one of my favourite (if not favourite) places in the city. I absolutely love it.

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We were also lucky enough to see the Pride Parade on 5th Avenue which was spectacular. It made me so happy to know everyone in America now has the right to marry who they love 🙂


Overall I had a fantastic time with some amazing people. It makes me happy to know that across the world I have such special people in my life ❤



I took a bus to Ottawa while I was in Canada to visit my cousin and old friend. I arrived on Thursday afternoon and met up with a friend of mine from prep school, who moved to Canada yeaars ago. It was amazing getting to spend some time with her, as this was the second time I’d gotten to see her in around 7 years.

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Ottawa is absolutely beautiful. It really is such an amazing city. I loved exploring around and being able to catch a bus downtown (something a South African is still not used to).

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We took a bus to my cousin’s apartment, and it was fantastic being able to relax and literally just chill out. After a little bit my cuzzie got home from work and it was so amazing seeing her again. She visited earlier in the year but I missed her a ton.

We went to see a band that night called White Horse and they were incredible! A husband and wife who were as talented as they were adorable together. They just had a kid and the wife looked amazing. So that was a treat to see!

Friday morning was incredible. And guess what I did? NOTHING. Being able to wake up without an alarm, take my time getting out of my pjs, chilling drinking tea and hanging out was all I needed.

I met up with my friend and we went for lunch and coffee at this gorgeous restaurant Downtown. I forgot what it was called but it was all artsy and stunning.


I had an amazing time exploring the town with her and getting to catch up with her now that she is a party animal 😛 We said our goodbyes and it sucked only getting to spend such a little time with her, but it was worth it for sure.

I made my way back to my cousin’s place and got in a quick workout. We went for dinner with her lovely boyfriend (soul-mate) and their friends. Curried cauliflower soup and Sangria. That is all ❤



My cousin and I have spent most of our lives apart but I’m so lucky to have her in my life. She is not only hilarious and beautiful, but a really amazing person 🙂

We headed back to Toronto on Saturday morning, to spend some last minute time with family and then have some pre-birthday celebrations.

Terri, her boyfriend Jared and I headed downtown to meet up with her good friends. We got delicious food, some drinks and headed to a beautiful park to chill out.



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Then we went dancing and I pretty much fell asleep on the dance floor which sucked, but I was exhausted. Looking back I probably should have sucked it up and had a Redbull, but considering I had to be at the bus station at 5:30am the next morning I think my body did me a favour.

12 hours later I arrived back in NYC, took a train back to Asbury Park an hour later, and finally got home around 10pm. It was a LONG day. Did I mention I shlepped a massive suitcase, another suitcase, a backpack and my handbag like 8 blocks in New York City. Yes, everyone thought I was the biggest tourist. But oh well at least I have my summer clothes again!


It wasn’t 10 blocks or even that much of a mission I’m just overdramatic.

Ottawowza for sure ❤

Canada you were amaze

I’m a terrible blogger

I’m a terrible blogger

Last Friday after work I began my little adventure to visit family in Canada.


I took a train to the city and explored around a bit before I headed to Port Authority for my bus ride to Toronto.


I chilled out,  enjoyed some delicious macarons, and read some of my new obsession; Outlander ♡


My bus was overnight so I got to see this gorgeous sunrise in Buffalo,  NY.


I was sitting next to this Sri Lankan man who ended up being very sweet. We shared stories of our countries and how we ended up here. Sometimes stranger isn’t always danger! It was lovely. But there is no way I would have ever met him if we weren’t on a 12 hour bus ride together.  You know, stranger danger?  😛

After a few little naps I woke up in Toronto



The next part of the adventure was finding the subway station and taking the subway to Finch – where I was picked up by a wonderful family friend.


She took me past the South African store (there is a huge South African community here it is awesome). I almost cried I was so excited to see South African things. Ceres juices, biltong (not that I even eat it), cadbury, nestle, everything! Of course I had to get some treats. It’s my week off right? 😉

Fruit & Nut because it’s my favourite, white eggs because they’re a classic, and smarties mini eggs because SMARTIES MINI EGGS OKAY?! 😛


Canada has been amazing so far. Adventures with Aunty Linda include going to my first wedding shower, visiting her great niece’s grade two little event (which was absolutely adorable), an amazing yoga class (which is something I need to find time to get into regularly I loved it so much), and getting to spend quality family time.



Got some inspiration from kids brainstorming what makes them proud :’)


Loved having time to relax, snuggle up on the couch and chill out with my main man; Earl Grey.


I’m currently on a bus to Ottawa to visit some more special people:) Of course I left my new boyfriend (my book – Outlander) in my suitcase that is under the bus. So I’ll probably catch up with my blogging on the ride.

But Canada AY, you’ve been fantastic.