Another blog post about New York City.

Another blog post about New York City.

Written: 04/13

There is just something about this city.

Something about it makes me happy and excited to be there.

Maybe it’s the tourist in me still but when I get a chance/ any excuse to visit NYC I will take it.

I mean I spent the whole day there (I’m on the train back right now) and all I bought was some food, coffee and a metro card. Basically 20 000 steps later I had a fantastic day exploring new places in the city.

There is always something to see. I love the buildings, the yellow cabs, the artsy well-dressed people. The way you can see an incredible view basically anywhere. The parks. The landmarks.  The pizza. The near-death experiences crossing the streets.

And now that it’s starting to warm up, I cannot wait for more adventures in not-minus-a-million degrees New York City.
